Hello Bloggers,
Global warming is a big issue..so why is it that it's still bloody freezing in the Mornings??
Well, enough of my deep and meaningful philosophical quotes..let's get back to the only topic that the world really cares about... NERACRUZ. We've just sorted out a couple of gigs for February. As soon as I've got the details I'll post them on the only Blog that really can change the world..this one!!
Ciao Bloggers,
Il riscaldamento della terra è sulla bocca di tutti... allora come mai è così freddo di mattina???
Basta con i miei pensieri filosofici.. torniamo all'unico topico di cui al modo frega...NERACRUZ. Abbiammo organizzato un paio di concerti per Febbraio. Appenna ho tutte le informazioni le metterò sull'unico Blog che può cambiare il mondo...questo!
Kev for President.
Global warming is a big issue..so why is it that it's still bloody freezing in the Mornings??
Well, enough of my deep and meaningful philosophical quotes..let's get back to the only topic that the world really cares about... NERACRUZ. We've just sorted out a couple of gigs for February. As soon as I've got the details I'll post them on the only Blog that really can change the world..this one!!
Ciao Bloggers,
Il riscaldamento della terra è sulla bocca di tutti... allora come mai è così freddo di mattina???
Basta con i miei pensieri filosofici.. torniamo all'unico topico di cui al modo frega...NERACRUZ. Abbiammo organizzato un paio di concerti per Febbraio. Appenna ho tutte le informazioni le metterò sull'unico Blog che può cambiare il mondo...questo!
Kev for President.
10 commenti:
You'll get my vote only if the GROUCH is Vice President!
With the worldly wisdom of the GROUCH..I'm sure that world peace could be attained within a matter of minuits!
Military justice is to justice what military music is to music.
I love Military music.....for example, the drum roll before the hangman kicks the stool away!
Even here.. well not exactly freezing. but its been raining for days and pretty cold... but its not always like this in our place. we have a december-weather. :)
Heeeeeeey there man ;) thanxx for passing By , me my self am a big fan of Nokia - Symbian smartphone , and my site is all about softwares games , applications themes , etc for OS60 Symbian smartphones .. so i hope you really liked it . anyway . your Sites really Rocks , keep up the Gr8 work . GREATINGS FROM THE U.S ;)
Thanks Sairus,
I enjoyed your site even though my own Nokia is still steam powered!
Nenäkarvojen leikkuu on varsin tarkkaa hommaa. Siinä pitää olla pienet sormet ja vakaa käsi. Sakset ovat paras tapa. Pinsettejä ei kannata kokeilla ellei ole masokisti.
Paola says greetings too =)
Nenakarvojen leikkuu pirun tarkkaa hommaan. Siina pitaa olla pienet sormet ja vakaa kasi. Sakset ovat suositeltavat. Pinsetteja ei kannata kayttaa ellei ole masokisti.
Paola says hi to you too =)
yes... cognitively thread..
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