Gutten Morgan,
This morning when I woke up (half an hour ago) for some reason I was convinced it was Thursday, only to discover that my pink and yellow Tuesday socks were staring at me from the drawer!
This morning when I woke up (half an hour ago) for some reason I was convinced it was Thursday, only to discover that my pink and yellow Tuesday socks were staring at me from the drawer!
Bummer...now I feel as if I've been cheated and must therefore wait an extra two days till' the weekend!
On a lighter note, we've thrown down a few guide tracks and as soon as our drummer stops pussying around (he's got the flu) and our keyboard player remembers how to turn on his computer, we'll be making some rough demos, which I'll then in due course throw onto this Blog for you all to enjoy or hate!
See ya'
Kev the man in Pink socks!
Gutten Morgan,
Quando mi sono svegliato (mezz ora fa) ero convinto che fosse giovedì, per poi trovare i miei calzini rosa e gialli che indosso ogni martedì pronti all'uso!
On a lighter note, we've thrown down a few guide tracks and as soon as our drummer stops pussying around (he's got the flu) and our keyboard player remembers how to turn on his computer, we'll be making some rough demos, which I'll then in due course throw onto this Blog for you all to enjoy or hate!
See ya'
Kev the man in Pink socks!
Gutten Morgan,
Quando mi sono svegliato (mezz ora fa) ero convinto che fosse giovedì, per poi trovare i miei calzini rosa e gialli che indosso ogni martedì pronti all'uso!
Che sfiga... addesso mi sento truffato e so che devo aspettare altri due giorni prima del weekend! Il lato positivo, invece, è che abbiamo buttato giù alcune tracce guida ed appenna il nostro batterista la smette di essere malato ed il nostro tastierista si ricorda come si accende il PC, feremo qualche nuovo demo che sarà poi publicato sul questo BLOG per farvi divertire o da odiare!
A dopo
Kev l'uomo con le calze rosa!
Kev l'uomo con le calze rosa!
6 commenti:
Pink socks are sexy!!!!
You're not wrong there ol' chap.
What happens if you wear the Thursday socks on Tuesday?
Hi Dawn,
Wearing Thursday socks on Tuesday is a risky business! You risk the wrath of the Gods...The last time I tried, the sky turned black and it rained baked beans.....
I like green socks!
I always wear white socks. Then I don't have to find the matches when I wash them.
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