Today's post is for Ronda...our brave four legged boxer friend! Get well soon!!!!......
She'd been rescued by a friend of mine from a dogs home...her previous shit of an owner had used her for the sole purpose of breeding! She was malnourished, covered in scars and in a poor way! The cinz (who for some strange reason loves men with white legs) and me picked her up and took her home, where she then made a full recovery!
The last few days she hasn't been feeling to well!
Get well soon!
Oggi scrivo per Ronda... la nostra amica boxer a quattro gambe! Gaurisci presto!!!!......
Lei è stata salvata da un canile... il suo padrone precedente è stato una vera merda, usando il povero cane per far cuccioli dopo cuccioli! Era magrissima, coperta di cicatrici ed in uno stato pietoso! Io e la Cinz (che per qualche ragione strana ama gli uomini con le gambe bianche) l'abbiamo portata a casa sua dove ha ripresso a stare bene!
Negli ultimi giorni non si è sentita tanto bene.
Rimettiti presto!
She'd been rescued by a friend of mine from a dogs home...her previous shit of an owner had used her for the sole purpose of breeding! She was malnourished, covered in scars and in a poor way! The cinz (who for some strange reason loves men with white legs) and me picked her up and took her home, where she then made a full recovery!
The last few days she hasn't been feeling to well!
Get well soon!
Oggi scrivo per Ronda... la nostra amica boxer a quattro gambe! Gaurisci presto!!!!......
Lei è stata salvata da un canile... il suo padrone precedente è stato una vera merda, usando il povero cane per far cuccioli dopo cuccioli! Era magrissima, coperta di cicatrici ed in uno stato pietoso! Io e la Cinz (che per qualche ragione strana ama gli uomini con le gambe bianche) l'abbiamo portata a casa sua dove ha ripresso a stare bene!
Negli ultimi giorni non si è sentita tanto bene.
Rimettiti presto!
15 commenti:
Grapes and lucazade!
That's what you need to get better!
Fih and chips...then fill her bowl with Guinesss! Works for me everytime!
la rhonda ce la farà anche questa volta, è una roccia la mia bambina! saluti da lei Olivia e Martina
Rhonda, tifiamo tutti per te...
La Rhonda è entrata in punta di piedi nella nostra vita, ha trovato un posticino caldo nel nostro cuore e si è accucciata lì.. Grazie Cinz per averci fatto conoscere la gioia, per essere l'angelo delle creature bisognose e per essere "THE CINZ"...
Hi Cinz,
I'm a cute guy with VERY white legs....interested?
Give Ronda loads of love and attention! Get well soon!
She also like eating feet...and I'm not talking about Ronda!
olivia does...
how is it going with your cult of "white legs lovers"? U get more fans with that than wiht NC.... you should show the picture of your church I sent you...people should know...
The true messiah needs not to advertise! When the time is right...the world will know! The world will be bathe in the glory of my white legs ha ha ha! Bow down before me!
people has the right 2 know....
loved the story of Ronda so sad wish i could adopt a Ronda, and string the ex owner up by his you know whats!
New post for you to read on italy expat
If her nose is running alot- and she feels hot all over, she may have a slight cold. Crush up a few baby tablet aspirins in her food. If she does not eat it, throw it away and crush a few in a small table spoon of peanut butter....She will lick it off the spoon....If anything she may just have a slight tummy ache, if that is the case you will know because her stools will be runny. But if they are ok, and if she is not peeing blood or anything like that- she is more than likely flu ridden. Give her my love.
aww how sweet of you to take care of him. May Ronda get well right away! :)
Owh poor doggy!!!!!
The Cinz will keep us informed on how Ronda's doing!
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