Hi friends..
Been a while I know, but the bank insists that I work to keep em' happy and rich!
So it was off again teching for my Swiss buddies Gottard.
My last week:
5/9/07: Flew to Kavarna (BG) had dinner, went to bed at 03:30 h.
6/9/07: Lobby call at 09:30 h (six hours dreaming). Show finished at 24:30 h, had dinner, party and travel back to the hotel. Arrived at 02:30 h. 03:00 h lobby call. (half an hour sleep).
7/9/07: 05:15 flight to Biasca (CH) (slept 1 hour on the plane).
7/9/07: Finished work at 03:30 h. 07:30 lobby call (four hours sleep ).
8/9/07: Arrived in St. Julian (F), did the show, back in the hotel at 04:30 h. Lobby call at 07:30 h (three hours kip)
9/9/07: Arrived in Raismes (F), did the show, had dinner, huge party went to bed at 03:00 h. Lobby call at 12.30 h (after shower, breakfast etc, seven hours in the sack)
10/9/07: Got back to Milan at 20.30 h.....
Total sleep for five days: Twenty one and a half hours.... Fuck me I'm tired!
Rock on!!!
Been a while I know, but the bank insists that I work to keep em' happy and rich!
So it was off again teching for my Swiss buddies Gottard.
My last week:
5/9/07: Flew to Kavarna (BG) had dinner, went to bed at 03:30 h.
6/9/07: Lobby call at 09:30 h (six hours dreaming). Show finished at 24:30 h, had dinner, party and travel back to the hotel. Arrived at 02:30 h. 03:00 h lobby call. (half an hour sleep).
7/9/07: 05:15 flight to Biasca (CH) (slept 1 hour on the plane).
7/9/07: Finished work at 03:30 h. 07:30 lobby call (four hours sleep ).
8/9/07: Arrived in St. Julian (F), did the show, back in the hotel at 04:30 h. Lobby call at 07:30 h (three hours kip)
9/9/07: Arrived in Raismes (F), did the show, had dinner, huge party went to bed at 03:00 h. Lobby call at 12.30 h (after shower, breakfast etc, seven hours in the sack)
10/9/07: Got back to Milan at 20.30 h.....
Total sleep for five days: Twenty one and a half hours.... Fuck me I'm tired!
Rock on!!!
Sono stato via solo per poco, ma la banca mi dice di lavorare per mantenermi ricco e felice!
Così sono stato via come tecnico per i miei compagni Svizzeri Gotthard.
La mia ultima settimana:
5/9/07: Ho volato a Kavarna (BG) ho pranzato e sono andato a letto alle 03.30
6/9/07: Chiamata alle 09.30 (solo sei ore di sogni). Lo spettacolo è finito alle 24.30, ho cenato, party e corsa nuovamente in hotel. Arrivato alle 02.30 avevo la chiamata alle 03.00 (dormito per mezz'ora)
7/9/09: Volo per Biasca (CH) alle 05.15 (ho dormito 1 ora in aereo).
7/9/09: terminato il lavoro alle 03.30, chiamata alle 07.30 (dormito quattro ore)
8/9/09: Arrivo a St. Julian (F), fatto spettacolo, rientro in hotel alle 04.30 Chiamata alle 07.30 (tre ore di sonno).
9/9/07: Arrivo a Raismes (F), fatto spettacolo, cenato, grande party e corso a letto alle 03.00. Chiamata alle 12.30 (dopo la doccia, colazione etc... sette ore sotto le coperte)
10/9/07: Rientro a Milano alle 20.30....
Sonno totale per cinque giorni: vent'un ore e mezza.... Ka..o sono stanco!
Rock on!!!!!!
22 commenti:
You better get some sleep my friend. All work and no rest is not good. :-(
OK....I better send you some more stamina stuff eh? Yo- You and Rimbina need to send me your Christmas wish list!
And *no* you are not getting a sports car-or motorcycle or anything of the like...Ummmmmm second thought that...I am CALLIE..I can work this magic.
I always say I can still do the same stuff I used to do when I was younger, I just need to sleep longer in-between. Have a nice rest :)
Well I got a bit of kip, then it was straight in the studio with Neracruz! Oh well I'll have a rest when they put me in the ground!
Hey Bro! You are back! So cool!!! :)
hai le gambe troppo bianche per essere credibile..... pfui
Ciao cinz...
sei solo invidiosa!
Rock on!!!!
...you wish...
white is no fashionable anymore!
i'm expecting a nice present from osaka.
ciao rosho
Hi Kev, how are you? How is the weather :)
che suona un po' giappp ed ora piu' che mai si addice al momento rosho maschio, mi sento dire ma dove cazzo siete finiti????
Un fucking blog abbandonato a se stesso quando c'erano almeno 4 persone che spendevano 5 minuti a settimana per sentire robe tipo DRANDOMI oppure BORDERLINE.... ma sti cazzi! Non serve dire chi sono tanto si è capito... ciao nè e scusa e ciao
Where are you? Been awhile my friend.
- Uffa! Ve ne direi di tutti i colori se non foste daltonico.
hi kev, how are you men?????????? cmon tell us, how many hotels rooms you have destroy??? hahahaha, cmon, i think.......ahhh, 20, or more, hahaha, take care my friend,
Hi friends...I've been away for a while...working as ever!!
To the oddball who posted the shit above!
Yo Cinz...
Il tempo non e come prima...ma bessuno si stanchera mai di Dandromi!!! Lo so che lo ascolti tutti giorni...mentre sogni mieie bellisime gamba biancha!!!
Un bacio....
go get a good rest.. you need it.. :)
spero di non sognare MAI le tue gambe bianche, sarebbe un INCUBO!!! in questi giorni ero annoiata ed ho cercato di sabotare le percentuali dei voti delle vostre canzoni ma mi sono accorta che sono truccate.... incredibilmente burn è sempre prima.... mi sa che c'è uno zampino rimbino......
Cinz....Sei una terorista!!!!
You LURV my white legs...you fuckin' LURV em'.
he he he.....
you fu**ing lazy white legs, update the bloody blog!
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