Today's post is not a happy one...But if some good can come out of it. If it apeals to someone's sense of decency then maybe some good will come out of this rather painfull and sad story!Visit the web site http://www.findmadeleine.com/
There are some trully sick people out there...evil to the core!

Lì fuori c'è gente veramente malata, cattiva fino in fondo.
9 commenti:
There are some really really bad people out there...
Let's hope it has a happy ending!
that sure is sad. :( I do hope they find here.....
:-( Brutto mondo!
Siamo circondati da MERDE!!!!
I agree...and yet I myself have been wondering if anything- I had not heard, has anyone been suspected from *within* the family.Meaning for her to be abducted the way it was introduced to the public, seems to me to be an inside job..There was someone that had to have been monitoring this family, this precious childs sleeping habits, things of that nature.
I don't know.Perhaps it is the investigator in me....
Prayers change things though.
There are far more siniter things that could have happened...things that make me sick even thinking about!
We can just hope that all will turn out ok....
Let's not forget that she isn't the only child to go missing in this sick sick World!
There are certain people out there that have no right to be part of our society...
hey kev, have a nice weekend!
que te la pases bien chido, te tomas una cervecita a mi salud.
jazz bless you
hi kev! just dropping by :)
i really hope that they find madeleine soon..it breaks my heart to see her parents worried sick about her..
shit¡¡¡ it broke my heart, im sad..
but hear, KILL ME NOT, wake me up,
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