Hello friends..
Some Blogs write about nothing. Some are poetic and meaningful! I just write what comes into my head..things that are important to me as well as trivial information! I could start by sharing my weekend's cloud hoping experiences, diving out of a plane at 14,000ft watching the clouds rush up towards me..then white, nothing but white..followed by the patchwork of farmland still soooo far below and yet only seconds away! Or I could mention how the world really should read my blog...seeing as how on Friday I mentioned how the World really doesn't need to know about Robbie Williams in Rehab...yet when I arrived home Friday night, what do I find? Britney F****** Spears in Rehab! Are peoples lives soooo trivial that this kind of thing really matters? Or is that what they want...twats like me gossipping and complaining...but all the time playing their game! Free Publicity!
Well it's far too early to get angry or even remotely philosophical!
Have a great day!
Alcuni Blog parlano del nulla. Alcuni sono poetici! Io scrivo solo quello che mi viene in mente al momento... tutto ciò che reputo importante per me, oppure informazioni insignificanti!
Some Blogs write about nothing. Some are poetic and meaningful! I just write what comes into my head..things that are important to me as well as trivial information! I could start by sharing my weekend's cloud hoping experiences, diving out of a plane at 14,000ft watching the clouds rush up towards me..then white, nothing but white..followed by the patchwork of farmland still soooo far below and yet only seconds away! Or I could mention how the world really should read my blog...seeing as how on Friday I mentioned how the World really doesn't need to know about Robbie Williams in Rehab...yet when I arrived home Friday night, what do I find? Britney F****** Spears in Rehab! Are peoples lives soooo trivial that this kind of thing really matters? Or is that what they want...twats like me gossipping and complaining...but all the time playing their game! Free Publicity!
Well it's far too early to get angry or even remotely philosophical!
Have a great day!
Alcuni Blog parlano del nulla. Alcuni sono poetici! Io scrivo solo quello che mi viene in mente al momento... tutto ciò che reputo importante per me, oppure informazioni insignificanti!
Per esempio: potrei cominciare con le mie esperienze fra le nuvole, volando fuori da un aereo a 4,300 metri... guardando le nuovole correre verso di me... poi il bianco, solo bianco... seguito dalla terra verde... così lontana ma in verità lontana solo pochi secondi! Oppure poterei parlare di come il mondo deve veremente leggere il mio Blog...
Visto che Venerdì ho parlato di Robbie Williams in clinica per disintossicarsi, sono tornarto a casa la sera stessa per trovare nel Telegiornale che ora c'è Britney F****** Speers in clinica anche lei! Chiedo: ma la vita delle gente è così insignificante che questo tipo di cose è di vitale importanza? Ma forse è questo quello che vogliamo, cretini come me che si lementano... ma cmq sempre nel loro gioco! Pubblicità Gratis!!!
Basta..E' troppo presto per essere arrabiato!
Buona Giornata,
Basta..E' troppo presto per essere arrabiato!
Buona Giornata,
9 commenti:
I voted twice...
Mondays suck!
I'm having a pretty bad day as well!
I prefer Skydiving against Britney or Robbie...
Write about that!!!
Good songs Man...
It looks as if Hollywood brides keep the bouquets and throw away the grooms
Wise words from a wise man!
I'm having a really shit day!
sometimes i think those artists are really up to no-good. and they did not grow up... if they are all grown up they wouldnt be in a rehab...
and they are disgressing... they are supposed to be more than what they are before... but now.. they are becoming less and less. not good at all..
well your weekends are HIGH! haha.. never experienced that. hehe/
Hi Tina..
Try it..it makes all of life's problems seem significant! Well untill Monday morning that is hahaha!
Have a great evening!
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