250 Bottles of 137 year old beer was recently discovered in Scotland. The beer or Ale should have been undrinkable but was found to be "absolutely amazing".
The Victorian beer was part of a cache of 250 vintage bottles found in the vaults of Worthington's White Shield brewery in Burton-on-Trent.
According to Steve Wellington, Worthington White Shield's head brewer, said: "It was always rumoured that there were some vintage beers on site but no one had bothered to taste them because it was assumed they wouldn't be drinkable. It seems that the reason for this remarkable preservation was the way in which they were sealed using corks and wax and then stored in ideal coll temperatures! The flavour was described as showing many flavours including raisins, sultanas, baked apple and honey. The oldest – the 1869 Ratcliff Ale – is bright and luminous like an ancient Amontillado sherry and has a meaty character like smoked partridge with hints of molasses. Dude, I'm getting thirsty!
I'd also like to wish you all a great weekend as tomorrow I'll be at a Flygang's very own Singer and Michela's Skydiving wedding...so no Post till Monday!
Blue skys forever!

La birra Victoriana faceva parte di un nascondiglio di 250 bottiglie d'annata trovate nella fabbrica di Worthington's White Shield a Burton-on-Trent.
Steve Wellington, il titolare della Worthington's White Shield, ha dichiarato: “Si è sempre detto che qui c'erano determinate birre d'annata ma nessuno si è mai preoccupato di assagiarle perché si è presupposto che fossero inbevibile. Sembra che il motivo per questa stupefacente conservazione era il modo in cui sono stati sigillati usando sugheri e cera così da creare la temperatura ideale! Il sapore è stato descritto come la mescolanza di diversi sapori compreso l'uva passa, l'uva sultanina, la mela cotta ed il miele. La più vecchia - la Ratcliff Ale del 1869 - è chiara e luminosa come uno sherry antico di Amontillado ed ha un carattere carnoso come la pernice affumicata con la melassa. Amici, ho la gola secca!
Vi auguro un buon fine settimana visto che domani andrò ad al matrimonio di Singer e Michela della FlyGang... quindi nessun post fino a lunedì!
Cieli blu per sempre!
10 commenti:
Ho trovato una bottiglia in cantina, ma non sono sicuro se si tratta di vino o aceto...
Vuoi provarlo x me Kev?
Only skydivers know why the birds sing.
Blue skys forever!!!!!!
here in Chile we have the best beer in the world: ESCUDO. The official beer of all rock fans.
Hy Kev, what's uuuuuuuup?! =) Beer really looks great. I bet that it thaste good too, yummmm :P
wow 250 bottles of 137 year old beer? cool
Hi from portugal!!!!
The blog is very cool!!!
Bye, bye
Hi Kev..I just went to England. Bought all the Beer. Then drank it all in your honour! But I saved a bottle for you!
Cheers Jolie...
I'm looking forward to drinking it!
Kevz! I'm back. And I missed you. Haha!
My latest post is about weddings too! Haha!
Have a great week ahead. :)
Kevz! I'm back. And I missed you. Haha!
My latest post is about weddings too! Haha!
Have a great week ahead. :)
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