Yesterday saw us back in rehersals! Marco's hand's still plastered up but it was great to see him taking part in some new song writing! Raff's as stressed, as hell, what with the new baby! Stef's as depressed, as hell, what with him being a drummer! And Steve's as...well Steve is a unique specimen!
Have fun...always!
P.s And me? Well let's just say that....I RAWK (-;

Ieri c'è stato il ritorno in sala prove di Marco! La sua mano è ancora ingessata ma è stato bello vederlo participare ai nuovi pezzi! Raff è stressato, come sempre, per il piccolo bambino! Steff è depresso, come sempre, essendo un batterista! E Steve... mettiamola così... Steve è unico!
Divertitervi... sempre!
P.s Ed Io? Diciamo che sono un vero Rocker (-;
6 commenti:
What about hearing some new songs?
*bust a gut laughing* Dude, I soooo spit coffee when I saw that ending... YES you do RAWK! Your a sunny spot in a haze my friend....
Sorry that some of your members are depressed...Tell em Callie says to shake it off..Fo-Shizzle style...*laughs*
Left you a message on my board my friend.
The work is killing me and left me almost any time, sorry. I'm glad you guys go rehershing and writing again ....Well, I'm tired, so I go on napping...ZzzzZZzzz.
Cheers Kev!!
Ciao Kev!
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Greetings from Spain.
glad to hear you guys are complete at the rehearsals. :P
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