I've got a bad case of flu so no wise words today! I would though like to share some of Singer and Michela's 'Skydive' wedding fotos with you!
Sex, asperin and Vitamin C!!!

Ho preso una bella dose d'influenza, così oggi mi dispiace... ma niente parole sagge! Ma vorrei dividere con voi alcune foto del matrimonio 'Skydiving' di Singer e Michela!
Sesso, aspirina e Vitamina C!!!
6 commenti:
Cool looking wedding!
E' bella la sposa...ma è in cinta?
Yep! Singer's doing the right thing....Bravo!
Sorry you feel bad Kev...
Dude- she is throwing a shaka sign. What she know bout that eh? *winks
She is a beauitiful bride. Glad things went well.
Just to say Hello =))
get well soon :)
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