One of the more annoying of life's sounds has to be the dentists drill. As a child I suffered all manner of pain and discomfort at the hands of the Spanish Inquisition (Dentist), what with the brace, fillings etc..but you knew it was for the better good.... but after reading that a dentist was found guilty on Thursday of urinating in his surgery sink and using dental tools meant for patients to clean his fingernails and ears I think I'd rather just knock em all out and get china ones!
A medical tribunal said it was satisfied the evidence showed 51-year-old Alan Hutchinson, who routinely did not wear gloves or wash his hands, had risked the health of "himself, staff and patients" for more than 28 years.
A dental nurse who worked for Hutchinson for 16 years said she had caught him urinating in the sink more than once.
"He was tucking something into his trousers before zipping them up hastily. I walked over and I was behind him. He moved to the left and I could smell urine," the nurse told the tribunal.....
That's just ruined by breakfast!

Uno dei rumori più irritanti nella vita dev'essere il trapano del dentista! Da bambino ho sofferto l'inquisizione spagnola del mio dentista, ma sapevo che era per una giusta causa. Ma dopo aver letto che un dentista è stato condannato dopo aver fatto pipì nel lavandino del lavoro ed aver utilizzato gli attrezzi di lavoro per pulire il naso e le unghie, penso che preferisco avere i denti falsi!
C'è inoltre la prova che Alan Hutchinson, 51 enne, non lavava mai le mani ed ha giocato con la salute dei paziente per oltre 28 anni.
Un'infirmiera che ha lavorato per 16 anni per Hutchinson lo ha trovato pisciare nel lavendino più di una volta...
l'infirmiera ha detto al tribunale "Stava mettendo via quolcosa nei pantolnoi prima di chiuderli velocemente, mi sono avicinata e ho sentito l'ododre di urina"
Cavoli... Mi ha rovinato la colazione!
6 commenti:
What a sick arsehole!
The noise of the dentists drill is one of the most anoying sounds in the world!
Great post!
God I really dooooo hate Dentists!
Seeeeeee...Funk That Noize Yo! That is horrid...Now when I go back to the dentist I will have to scan the room and try and pick up any familiars of urine or worse...
He would have been beaten down Jackie Chan style by yours truly.
PS...good luck at the dentist on your next visit. *buwwaaahhhaahah*
That's gross!
He deserves to be behind bars.
P.S. Are you still in braces? :D
That's sick!
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