About 125,000 people traveled to Berlin zoo over the Easter weekend to get a glimpse of Knut, the polar bear cub who has become a global sensation. About 300,000 extra people have visited the Zoo since the four-month-old cub, who was rejected by his mother at birth faced the death sentance. It seems as if the bears instant popularity has saved Knut from an uncertain future!
The 13.8-kilogram (30-pound) bear comes out into the open air twice a day, around midday and in the early afternoon, to jump on the rocks, wade through the pond and roll around to the delight of his hundreds of admirers.
What great news to start off the day!

Circa 125.000 persone hanno visitato lo zoo di Berlino durante il fine settimana di Pasqua per dare un'occhiata a Knut, il cucciolo d'orso polare che si è trasformato in una star internazionale. Circa 300.000 persone extra hanno visitato il giardino zoologico per vedere il cucciolo di quattro mesi che è stato abbandonato alla nascita dalla madre. Sembra come se la popolarità immediata degli orsi abbia salvato Knut da un futuro incerto!
L'orso di 13.8 chilogrammi (30-pound) viene fuori nell'all'aperto due volte al giorno, intorno a mezzogiorno e nel primo pomeriggio, per saltare sulle roccie, attraversare lo stagno e rotolarsi a terra con grande felicità dei suoi centinaia di ammiratori.
Che grande notizia per cominciare la giornata!
6 commenti:
I'm happy for the little critter!
And to think people say there aren't any miracles in a world of chaos.
Have a GREAT day my friend, and keep rawkin.
Hi callie...
What's your link?
Kev... I am sorry..I normally don't sign in when I read blogs early in the morning..Just dubiously title me "The Slacker." with a capital S and of course my Pirate Arrrgggghhhhh ways....*smiles
Enclosed- www.calliezrealm.blogspot.com
And yes I added you also, unfortunately Blogger is having a brain fart moment and is not loading properly. Give it an hour to 2 to show up on my end friend...
You have been formally *arrrgggghed by Piratess Callie* PS. tell your lovely mate hello from Georgia!
if you want you can put me in your ''On-Line Friends''...
im glad for knut the polar bear.... soo cutee
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