Where to start?
In the freinds section you'll notice a new entry: Gotthard... I had the honour of spending many a drunken tourbus party with these guys. I did a couple of world tours with them serving as a low down dirty beer smelling roadie....so when yesterday I got a call from them saying that they were in Milan promoting their new album, I jumped at the chance to pop down and say hi! While waiting for them to finnish some interviews, me and Rimbina took a walk to Central Station...This is where the fun starts! My wife was rather nervous and wanted to leave this rather infamous area! But me, oh no... I just told her to stop being silly as nothing could happen to us! Famous last words!!! We found aourselves alone in a back street, when all of a sudden three '(so as to not offend I'll not mention their nationality, although you can probebly guess)aproached us asking some odd questions about buses and what-not! One got between me and Rimbina, another got behind me while the other blocked the only exit! After giving them some eqal BS about busses in perfect Italian they just gave us a funny look and dissapeard...Central Station is famous for attacks on tourists, and believe me I do not look Italian! So, the only explanation is that they thought it better to go for a more juicy prey! The scary thing is that, alone with my wife, I couldn't have done a thing if something kicked off! Rimbina was still shaking an hour and a half later!
The moral of the story...Whenever Rimbina says "jump", I'll reply "how high"!
A good side to the night was an offer to get paid bucket loads of cash this summer to once again bring cold beers and shout "check the mike" as a Roadie for my fine Swiss buddies...so, seeing as how Neracruz are all spending the summer in old age homes...I think I'll accept!
But that's not the only good news...It's Friday and tonight I'm leaving for Molli DZ for a weekends skydiving! My bags ready, parachute packed and if you check out the Flygang site you'll be able to see the list of fun activities lined up! The beer will be flowing and the sky is very very high! Have great weekend!!
Dove iniziare?
In the freinds section you'll notice a new entry: Gotthard... I had the honour of spending many a drunken tourbus party with these guys. I did a couple of world tours with them serving as a low down dirty beer smelling roadie....so when yesterday I got a call from them saying that they were in Milan promoting their new album, I jumped at the chance to pop down and say hi! While waiting for them to finnish some interviews, me and Rimbina took a walk to Central Station...This is where the fun starts! My wife was rather nervous and wanted to leave this rather infamous area! But me, oh no... I just told her to stop being silly as nothing could happen to us! Famous last words!!! We found aourselves alone in a back street, when all of a sudden three '(so as to not offend I'll not mention their nationality, although you can probebly guess)aproached us asking some odd questions about buses and what-not! One got between me and Rimbina, another got behind me while the other blocked the only exit! After giving them some eqal BS about busses in perfect Italian they just gave us a funny look and dissapeard...Central Station is famous for attacks on tourists, and believe me I do not look Italian! So, the only explanation is that they thought it better to go for a more juicy prey! The scary thing is that, alone with my wife, I couldn't have done a thing if something kicked off! Rimbina was still shaking an hour and a half later!
The moral of the story...Whenever Rimbina says "jump", I'll reply "how high"!
A good side to the night was an offer to get paid bucket loads of cash this summer to once again bring cold beers and shout "check the mike" as a Roadie for my fine Swiss buddies...so, seeing as how Neracruz are all spending the summer in old age homes...I think I'll accept!
But that's not the only good news...It's Friday and tonight I'm leaving for Molli DZ for a weekends skydiving! My bags ready, parachute packed and if you check out the Flygang site you'll be able to see the list of fun activities lined up! The beer will be flowing and the sky is very very high! Have great weekend!!

Nella sezione dei freinds noterete una nuova entrata: Gotthard… Ho avuto l'onore di passare molte feste ubriache sul tourbus con questi tipi. Ho fatto paio di giri del mondo con loro usato come un sporco roadie… così quando ieri ho ricevuto una loro chiamata che mi dicevano di essere a Milano per promuovere il loro nuovo album, ho colto la palla al balzo per andare a salutarli! Mentre aspettavo che finissero di fare qualche intervista, io e Rimbina abbiamo fatto una passeggiata in stazione centrale… e qui comincia il divertimento! Mia moglie era piuttosto nervosa e voleva lasciare questa zona alquanto malfamata! Ma io, oh no... le ho detto di smettere di essere sciocca perchè nulla ci sarebbe accaduto! Le ultime parole famose!!! Ci siamo ritrovati soli in una via sconosciuta, quando tre brutti ceffi si sono avvicinati facendoci alcune domande sugli autobus e qualcos'altro! Uno si è messo fra me e Rimbina, un'altro si ha messo dietro me mentre l'altro ha chiuso l'unica via d'uscita! Dopo avergli rifilato qualche bugia sui vari bus in un'italiano perfetto, ci hanno guardato in un modo un pò strano e poi sono andati... La stazione centrale è famosa per gli attacchi ai turisti ed io vi garantisco che non sembro affatto un italiano! Crediamo che, dopo aver capito che non eravamo turisti pieni di soldi, hanno deciso di aspettare qualche preda più appetitosa! La cosa spaventosa è che, solo con mia moglie, non potevo fare nulla se fosse successo qualcosa! Rimbina era ancora agitata dopo un'ora e mezza!
La morale della storia… ogni volta che Rimbina dice “salta„, le risponderò “quanto alto„!
Un lato positivo della serata è stata un'offerta per guardengare un botto di soldi quest'estate ancora una volta a bere birra e controllare che funzioni il microfono, come Roadie per i miei compagni svizzeri… così, visto che come Neracruz passarò l'estate in qualche ospizio… penso che accetterò!
Ma questa non è l'unica buona notizia… è venerdì e 'stasera andrò a Molli DZ per il fine settimana da skydiver! La mia borsa è già pronta, il paracadute è già piegato e se andate a vedere il sito di Flygang potrete vedere quello che facciamo! La birra fluirà ed il cielo è molto molto alto!
Vi auguro un ottimo fine settimana!!
5 commenti:
Ci vediamo a Molli!
Sounds pretty scary...!
Scared the s*** out of me!
It's Monday )-:
I hate Mondays...
I just heard that three people were arrested after a string of roberies on tourist at central station....I wonder if it was them?
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