I just read something in the papers that made me chuckle! Supermodel Naomi Campbell may have to scrub dirty toilets as part of her punishment for hitting her maid on the head with a mobile phone. Apparently she was also seen taking a pair of Army boots with her to a fashion show, ready to swap from high heels to footwear more fitting to toilet scrubbing duties ha ha ha!
She was also handed a mop, broom, shovel and rubbish bin ready for her new role.
Too right I say! Seeing as how she's a role model for many young people, her violent and arrogant attitude shouldn't go unpunished!
"If they're dirty, she will be cleaning toilets," the department's sanitation boss chief Al Durrell told reporters.
"If anyone refuses to perform a task they are basically sent back to court and they deal with the judge."
The south London-born 36-year-old's tasks will include sweeping the garage floor and the department's offices, mopping locker rooms and cleaning windows.
Wonderful, absolutely wonderful!
Ho lappena letto qualcosa sul giornale che mi ha fatto ridere! La supermodella Naomi Campbell dovrebbe pulire i bagni sporchi come punizione per aver colpito la sua domestica sulla testa con un cellulare. Inoltre è stata vista con un paio di anfibi dell'esercito, dopo una sfilata di moda, pronta a cambiare gli alti tacchi per un più comodo abbigliamento per i freganti fumi della toiletta ha ha ha! Inoltre è stata vista con uno straccio, una scopa, una pala ed il cestino per il suo nuovo lavoro.
She was also handed a mop, broom, shovel and rubbish bin ready for her new role.
Too right I say! Seeing as how she's a role model for many young people, her violent and arrogant attitude shouldn't go unpunished!
"If they're dirty, she will be cleaning toilets," the department's sanitation boss chief Al Durrell told reporters.
"If anyone refuses to perform a task they are basically sent back to court and they deal with the judge."
The south London-born 36-year-old's tasks will include sweeping the garage floor and the department's offices, mopping locker rooms and cleaning windows.
Wonderful, absolutely wonderful!

Sono d'accordo! Pensando che è diventata un modello per molti giovani, il suo atteggiamento violento ed arrogante non dovrebbe andare inpunito!
“Se sono sporchi, pulirà i cessi" ha detto Durrell, il resposabile delle pulizie.
“Se chiunque si rifiuta di effettuare una qualsiasi operazione assegnata, verrà nuovamente rinviato alla corte e giudicato dal giudice.„
Il lavoro della Campbel, 36 enne Londinese, includerà scopare il pavimento del garage e degli uffici, passare lo straccio sui mobili e pulire le finestre.
Meraviglioso, assolutamente meraviglioso!
13 commenti:
Poi, Vieni a casa mia a pulire!
ha ha ha...She got what she deserved!
Hmmmmm a toilet clean enough to eat your dinner off!
She can clean my house when she's done (-;
Toilet humer eh eh eh!
A Belch is just one gust of wind,
That cometh from thy Heart...
But should it take the downward trend,
It turns into a Fart
Scommettiamo che non si vedrà in giro neanche una foto della "diva" con la nuova mise???
A guy goes to the Council to apply for a job. The interviewer asks him "Have you been in the armed services?"
"Yes" he says, "I was in the Falklands for three years."
The interviewer says "That will give you extra points toward employment" and then asks "Are you disabled in any way?"
The guy says "Yes 100%... a land mine blew my testicles off."
The interviewer tells the guy "OK. I can hire you right know. The hours are from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. You can start tomorrow. Come in at 10:00 a.m."
The guy is puzzled and asks "If the hours are from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. then why do you want me to come in at 10:00 a.m.?"
"This is a Council job" the interviewer replies. "For the first two hours we sit around scratching our balls.......no point in you coming in for that."
Ma se non è in grado neanche di allacciarsi le scarpe, figuriamoci come pulisce....
Pagherà qualcun'altro per farlo...
haha! fatto bene!...
hey thanks for the drop. wer u liv here in italy?
take care :)
Mmmmm Dear Kev...You know what? Id like to have seen Naomi Campbell cleaning the toilets but it was part of the deal I read, not to have cameras... that is even worse!!!!! fuck! is that bad to clean a toilet that she cannot be shown doing it?.... sometimes this world stinks!... Take care man!
well.. seems like a fair punishment. :P
Ciao Darko...apparently, cleaning toilets is a job she hates! Poor poor girl! For me it's a fucking hobby )-:
i didn't know this news untill you report.
i think it's a wonderful punishment to her, as a supermodel, the one whose behavior people like to imitate.
Kev, i forgot to say something to you in the sidebar chatter. That is...
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