Hello fellow bloggers!
I was checking out the headlines to see if there was anything worth commenting on this morning...and you know what, there's nothing, absolutely nothing! Just the usual BS about footballers beating each other up, stupid ex Big Brother bints and news that depresses the hell out of me! Today I definitely got out of bed the wrong side...There's only one thing for it! A full English Breakfast...yummy, I can almost feel my arteries closing!
On a brighter note...I heard that Pete IS bringing his dog to our gig on the 23rd...and yes, the dog will be buying his own ticket! We'll also be arranging coach services from all major Italian areoports to ship our millions of fans to and from the gig! Can't say fairer than that can we!
See ya
Ciao amici dei Blog!
Stavo controllando le ultime notizie per vedere se c'è qualcosa da commentare... e sapete una cosa? Non c'è nulla, assalutamente niente!!!
I was checking out the headlines to see if there was anything worth commenting on this morning...and you know what, there's nothing, absolutely nothing! Just the usual BS about footballers beating each other up, stupid ex Big Brother bints and news that depresses the hell out of me! Today I definitely got out of bed the wrong side...There's only one thing for it! A full English Breakfast...yummy, I can almost feel my arteries closing!
On a brighter note...I heard that Pete IS bringing his dog to our gig on the 23rd...and yes, the dog will be buying his own ticket! We'll also be arranging coach services from all major Italian areoports to ship our millions of fans to and from the gig! Can't say fairer than that can we!
See ya

Stavo controllando le ultime notizie per vedere se c'è qualcosa da commentare... e sapete una cosa? Non c'è nulla, assalutamente niente!!!
Solo la solita cacca di mucca sui calciatori che si pestano, stupide cretine del "Grande Fratello" e solo notizie che mi deprimono! Si vede che oggi mi sono svegliato male... c'è solo una cosa da fare! Una vera colazione Inglese....hmmmm le mie arterie si stanno già chiudendo!
Invece per la parte positiva... ho sentito che Pete porterà il suo cane al concerto... e anche che il cane pagherà il suo biglieto d'entrata! Stiamo anche organizzando dei pullman per portare i nostri milioni di fans da tutti gli aereoporti principali d'Italia al concerto! Siamo bravi, no?
Ciao ciao
Invece per la parte positiva... ho sentito che Pete porterà il suo cane al concerto... e anche che il cane pagherà il suo biglieto d'entrata! Stiamo anche organizzando dei pullman per portare i nostri milioni di fans da tutti gli aereoporti principali d'Italia al concerto! Siamo bravi, no?
Ciao ciao
11 commenti:
English Breakfast.... Bacon... I dream that all night...
Nowt beats a good ol fry up!
Heart attack on a plate...yummy in my tummy!
An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last.
If you wanna start the day well...then that's the way to do it!!
I eat like a vulture. Unfortunately the resemblance doesn't end there
uhmm looks really good... I should have it more often...the IRISH breakfast :P
Ma se porto il mio gatto tu dici che il cane di Pete se la prende?
a dog attending a concert??? and buying his own ticket? Wow! :P
What's the Irish breakfast..Fried Guiness and spuds?
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