Friends, Romans, Countrymen.
Well it's Monday again! I hope everyone had a great weekend! Mine was ok, except for a run in with a shop assistant, who's idea of a good days work was "insisting that he knew more than me whilst desperately trying to wriggle out of the fact that he'd just sold me some total and utter crap"!!! I also enjoyed the Rugby. A good match between Ireland and Scotland..A not so good match between Italy and Wales although it's good to see Italy improving their game...as well as bringing good old Italian traditions into the match! Stamping on legs, pulling shirts, punching the opponents in the head as well as a very classy headbut etc(come on guys...It's Rugby, not football). The best game of course was England vs France! It's been a while since England won...so great result England!
I also spent a few hours blasting paper targets down at the local shooting range....much fun was had by all, well maybe not by the paper targets!
Sooooo, keep voting for your favourite Neracruz song and book your flights to Milan for the gig on the 23rd!
Amici, Romani, Citadini.
Well it's Monday again! I hope everyone had a great weekend! Mine was ok, except for a run in with a shop assistant, who's idea of a good days work was "insisting that he knew more than me whilst desperately trying to wriggle out of the fact that he'd just sold me some total and utter crap"!!! I also enjoyed the Rugby. A good match between Ireland and Scotland..A not so good match between Italy and Wales although it's good to see Italy improving their game...as well as bringing good old Italian traditions into the match! Stamping on legs, pulling shirts, punching the opponents in the head as well as a very classy headbut etc(come on guys...It's Rugby, not football). The best game of course was England vs France! It's been a while since England won...so great result England!
I also spent a few hours blasting paper targets down at the local shooting range....much fun was had by all, well maybe not by the paper targets!
Sooooo, keep voting for your favourite Neracruz song and book your flights to Milan for the gig on the 23rd!

E' Lunedì! Spero che il weekend sia andato bene per tutti! Il mio è stato bello, tranne per un pirla di commesso di un negozio con l'idea che una buona giorna di lavoro è quella di insistere nell'avere ragione, mentre disperatamente cerca di provare a nascondere il fatto che mi ha appena venduto un sacco di merda!!!
Cmq mi sono goduto la visione di un buon Rugby. Una bella partita fra l'Irlanda e la Scozia. Un'altra non così buona dell'Italia ed il Galles, anche se è bello vedere l'Italia che migliora il suo gioco… così come introdurre le buone vecchie tradizioni italiane: pungi, calci testate etc! (dai raga… è Rugby, non calcio). La partita migliore naturalmente è stata tra l'Inghilterra contro la Francia! È passato un pò di tempo da quando l'Inghilterra ha vinto… Brava England!
Inoltre ho speso alcune ore sparando a sagome di carta al poligonno più vicino… molto divertimente!
Allora, continuate a votare per la vostra canzone dei Neracruz favorita e prenotate i vostri voli a Milano per l'evento del ventitre!
12 commenti:
Yo Cinz,
Has your Welsh friend got out of bed yet?
she showed her face this morning, after 48 hours......
I'm dissapointed...I thought the Welsh were a tough, strong sheep shagging nation! Now it seems that they sleep all day and forgot how to play Rugby!
Just Kidding...I love Wales!
The Ref has addmited having told the Welsh side that they had ten seconds left, when in reality the end of the game was only a few seconds away..Therefore robbing the Welsh of the chance to draw...or as was the intention, to try for a'TRI'
The ref was seen talking on his radio seconds before informing the Welsh side that they still had ten seconds...there are many who believe that this was a case of game fixing! He was basicly told to end the game...ensuring an Italian victory...resulting in the ever more growing interest in the game! Stinks of Mafia!
Referee Chris White has apologised to Wales for the "misunderstanding" at the end of the Six Nations match with Italy in Rome on Saturday.
Wales, who trailed 23-20, were incensed when White blew for time after they had opted to kick for touch from a penalty in the final seconds, believing they had time for a lineout in bid to create a match-winning try when a goal attempt could have given them a draw.
Angry Wales players remonstrated with White after the final whistle while coach Gareth Jenkins described his decision as "unsatisfactory", saying the referee had told Wales they had time to take the lineout.
"I would like to apologise for the misunderstanding that occurred as the Italy v Wales Six Nations game drew to a close on Saturday," White said in a statement on Sunday.
"I have apologised to the Wales coaching and playing staff for the misunderstanding. I would like to thank them for the good grace with which my apology was accepted."
Italy's victory was the first time they have secured two Six Nations wins in the same season since being admitted to the competition in 2000.
Oh well that's the way the cookie crumbles....Bahhhhhhhh!
Super bad news!
Pilot dies after plane crash
at the Headcorn parachute club in Kent
Nine people were on board the aircraft when it crashed
A pilot who was seriously injured in a light aircraft crash in Kent has died in hospital, police have said.
The man, aged in his 20s, suffered severe head injuries in the accident at Headcorn Aerodrome on Sunday afternoon.
A Kent Police spokesman said he later died from his injuries at the Royal London Hospital. He has not been named.
Two skydivers were treated in hospital - a man for chest injuries and a woman who had an asthma attack. Their plane crashed during an aborted take-off.
The De Havilland Turbo Beaver, carrying a total of eight parachutists, hit a static display aircraft - part of the aerodrome's museum displays - at the end of the runway.
The pilot, who was employed by Headcorn Parachute Club at the aerodrome, had to be cut free from the cockpit by rescue crews.
He was taken to hospital by air ambulance, but died at 1755 GMT on Sunday.
Jane Buckle, of the parachute club, said: "We're all absolutely shell-shocked by what's happened. We're completely numb. We're really, really sad and upset."
The Air Accidents Investigation Branch said it was looking into the crash and would produce a report in due course.
Our thoughts are with his family!
Sorry to hear such bad news!
Brutta notizia...
Only Skydivers know why the birds sing!
what goes boo
a cow with a cold
awww book a flight? hehe.. anyway be blessed on the day of your gig! :P
What goes oo?
A cow with no lips!
P.s Sorry again!
Two snowman standing in a field.
One turns to the other and says "Can you smell carrots?"
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